Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My MeAing Of LiFe !

When I was in Myanmar, I never thought of what the meaning of life was. I was just like a normal teenage girl who liked playing and going out with friends. I have started to realize the meaning of my life after I came to Singapore and this is the first time in my life I feel lost .In Myanmar every time when the problem occurred I had my parent to guide me .But now I have to solve everything myself .This has built up my confidence and has make me to be more independent and slowly realize what the meaning of life is . To me , life is like a long journey and everybody is driving towards their own destinations through individual routes.

The journey may not be as smooth and easy as it looks. However, if you have confidence and trust in yourself, you will be able to make the journey smoothly and reach your destination in no time. Now I am starting a brand new journey in NUS and I know that it is not going to be easy and smooth. But as long as I have strong determination and confidence, I believe I will reach my desired destination .


Brad Blackstone said...

I like the image that you present of life as a journey and everyone taking their own route. Nowadays, however, because our lives are so entwined in the global village, we need to make adjustments so that the greatest number of us can make this journey in a healthy, happy fashion. What do you think?

p.s. What a great cartoon you've added here!

Brad Blackstone said...

Remind me to help you set up links to your group members' blog sites.

Su Mon said...

yes , i agree what did you say .By the way thank for your comments and suggestions during the class.
It makes me clear that i need to work hard on verb tenses.

Pascal Gekko said...

I am in almost situation as you are. When I came to singapore for the first time, I was not sure whether I could do everything by myself or not. But, in the other side, I felt slightly happy because I could try to live independently.
I agree with you that this life journey will not be easy, but I am trying my best to reach my dream.
Hope you'll never lost the sight of your dream too.

Syeda said...

Singapore is a genuine place to learn life...