Monday, February 18, 2008

Compare and Contrast about Recyling system for two countries

Recycling has been identified as one way to conserve resources. How might the approach to recycling differ between a developed country and a developing country? Choose two specific countries to illustrate by answer.

Nowadays, more and more countries start to realize the importance of recycling. In 1996, developed country like Germany started to use the recycling system called Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the system which can indentify different materials. Paper and plastic items are spread out by a conveyor belt in a single layer. The system is able to analyze the data from sensor that detects light in both the visible and the near infra-red spectrum and a computer is able to determine the color, type, shape and position of each item. After that the system will activate to push particular items from one conveyor belt to another, or into a bin. Numerous types of paper, plastic or combinations can be sorted with up to 98% accuracy. And more than 1,000 of which are now installed worldwide. However, my country ,Myanmar which is a developing country and the technology is not modern enough to use this kind of system has a very different recycling system. Myanmar government is still using the tradition kind of dustbin and they never realized of splitting up the waste materials and recycled them individually. Although the recycling technology in Myanmar is not advanced as Germany, they started to take action by forcing people to use recycle bin and setting rules and fine to throw the rubbish into particular dustbin to prevent rubbish pollution.

Spectroscopic sorter system

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Describe a serious environmental problem that exists in Myanmar today and explain how there could be an “engineering solution“ to it.(Problem&Solving)

The production of plastic in Myanmar is rapidly increasing and it is causing a lot of environmental problems. People are able to get hold on the plastic bags so easily and they are discard in the similar ways. Nowadays, current dumping systems are not suitable to dispose plastic bags because plastic bag are in-degradable and remain spoiling the environment especially for those coloured plastic bags. Fumes that produced from the burning plastic bags are harmful to human beings especially to those who suffer from respiratory problems. Although using plastic bags is causing serious environmental problems, a few solutions have been introduced by the government to prevent the problem from getting worse. One of the solutions introduce is to reduce the production of coloured plastic bags because those plastic bags are the hardest to degradable as well as recycled. Another solution is to design a filter that will be able to break-down harmful fumes into oxygen and carbon-dioxide. This can be implemented in all the industrial areas to prevent the fume from harming living beings.

Kindly edited by Shi Yi

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Which pattern of Love are you in ?

Let’s get to the topic about Love. According to the Erikson's theory, you can say that I am in young adulthood stage now (approximately between the age of 20 and 30). Before the twentieth century, there were only three stages of life, such as child, adult and old adult .Contemporary society has a variety of markers, such as early childhood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood. As life expectancy began to lengthen, the term "young adulthood" happened to enter into the dictionary. Anyway, Erikson states that it's time for us to achieve the crisis of intimacy Vs isolation in order to move on to the middle adulthood. The virtue is "LOVE”. We are at risk of achieving young adulthood stage which is the stage of committing into intimate relationship .Here is where the question come .Why do we need to commit into the relationship? Most people like love stories, including their own. Love, to some people is addiction. For others it's a fantasy, in which one person expects to be saved by a knight in shining armor. Still others think of love as a game or a war with a winner and loser. Love can be a horror story or a mystery, isn't it? Anyway those are just an example, we cannot really define love. Let back to the point about how to commit into the relationship. According to the Psychosocial researchers, Sternberg formed this theory called”TRIANGULAR SUB THEORY OF LOVE", which is the balancing the three elements of intimacy, passion and commitment.

Here is a picture which I just post above. So you can make sure which pattern of love you are in and I hope all my friends have balanced these three elements and formed a good relationship with your loved one if you have one.

Refer from

2008 Edition , Exploring lifespan development / Laura E. Berk.

Edit by Shi Yi

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Environmental Problem faced by Myanmar

What are the negative effects that the Myanmar government fail to dispose the plastic bag in proper way?

Have you ever wondered where all the plastic bottles, jugs and containers you collect, rinse and sort so carefully end up after they are hauled off to the recycling centre? The answer is very simple. Right now, they tend to go nowhere. Plastic has never been a big favourite among environmentalists. Production of plastic in Myanmar is rapidly increased and that concerns a lot of environmental pollutions. People use plastic bags because they are readily available and convenient for carrying goods .Another side of this convenience is that if people can get plastic easily, they will discard it the same way. Tons of polymers are used each month as a raw material for producing plastic bags in Yangon Division which is the capital of Myanmar. Dealing with plastic waste is a challenge in developing countries .The plastic pollution can be generally seen in those countries which do not have efficient garbage disposal systems. Current status of solid waste of management in Yangon is as following.
Among the solid waste rate, although the rate for other type of solid waste is higher than plastic waste rate, the side effect of plastic rate is much more important than the rest. Conventional open dumping systems are suitable for other waste ,however ,it is not appropriate for plastic waste because palstic wastes are indegradable and remain spoiling the environment. Burning is an option but it contributes to other negative effects because the fumes produced from burning plastic can spread widely into the atmosphere causing respiratory hazards. Pollution from plastic waste affects not only the land and air, but also waterways and seas as well. It can harm sea life and sometimes small islands of plastic waste can be seen floating in the ocean, therefore greater community awareness is needed to deal with plastic waste. Since 1999, the Pollution Control and Cleaning Department has been piloting a recycling project, which turns plastic waste into containers, however, some kinds of plastic wastes cannot be recycled, such as coloured plastic bags. Plastic pollution will be reduced if the public becomes aware of the issue and takes action to limit the use of plastic. Plastic pollution will no longer be a problem for environment only when people become disciplined and efficient facilities are provided for garbage collection and waste management.

My Blogging Buddy is Tim