Monday, February 18, 2008

Compare and Contrast about Recyling system for two countries

Recycling has been identified as one way to conserve resources. How might the approach to recycling differ between a developed country and a developing country? Choose two specific countries to illustrate by answer.

Nowadays, more and more countries start to realize the importance of recycling. In 1996, developed country like Germany started to use the recycling system called Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy is the system which can indentify different materials. Paper and plastic items are spread out by a conveyor belt in a single layer. The system is able to analyze the data from sensor that detects light in both the visible and the near infra-red spectrum and a computer is able to determine the color, type, shape and position of each item. After that the system will activate to push particular items from one conveyor belt to another, or into a bin. Numerous types of paper, plastic or combinations can be sorted with up to 98% accuracy. And more than 1,000 of which are now installed worldwide. However, my country ,Myanmar which is a developing country and the technology is not modern enough to use this kind of system has a very different recycling system. Myanmar government is still using the tradition kind of dustbin and they never realized of splitting up the waste materials and recycled them individually. Although the recycling technology in Myanmar is not advanced as Germany, they started to take action by forcing people to use recycle bin and setting rules and fine to throw the rubbish into particular dustbin to prevent rubbish pollution.

Spectroscopic sorter system


William Tan said...

Wow, nice content you got there.
Just wanna let you know that you may want to edit these few sentences in your paragraph:

"Nowadays, more and more countries (are) started to realize the importance of recycling."

"Paper and plastic items are spread out_____a conveyor belt in a single layer."

Thanks, learned something new about recycling in Germany and Myanmar :)

Su Mon said...

thanks for your comment.:D

Brad Blackstone said...

This is very interesting! I appreciate the way that you have introduced the spectroscopic sorter technology. What was your source reading for that?

脏脏/ellenpei said...

hehe ,recycling,the government in china dose not do it very well

Syeda said... the spectroscopy idea...but perhaps your country cannot afford that at the moment...but can look forward to it:)