Monday, March 31, 2008

Deforestation warns the World !!!

Long Text Assignment (Cause and Effect)
Module code: EG1471
Name: Su Mon Pyone
Matric Number: U075599R
Lecturer’s Name: Brad Blackstone

Number of words: 717
According to Bob Brown, a senator with the Greens Party, “John Howard, Australian prime minister said that Australia is putting 200 million dollars into stopping forest burning in Southeast Asia while he is authorizing forest burning in southern Australia” (Australia sets up…, 2007). What is the reason behind Australia for pouring in large amount of money to stop burning forest in Southeast Asia? The reason is “Australia is one of the largest cities which produce the greenhouse gases in the world” (Australia among…, 2003).Therefore, Australian government is planning to plant large number of trees due to the huge amount of forests being burnt in Southeast Asia, which leads to deforestation .What is deforestation? Deforestation is the conversion of forested areas to non-forest land for use such as arable land, pasture, urban use, logged area, or wasteland (Wikipedia, 2007). Nowadays, the main cause of deforestation is humans. This is because of the increasing human need for agriculture as well as for accommodation.
As the Southeast Asia is moving into industrial age, Asian population is increasing at the same time. Therefore, more and more land area is needed to be converted to usable land for human food supply. Since 1960, Thailand has lost an average of 330 000 hectares of natural forest annually because more land needs to be converted into paddy fields for rice and wheat. Similar in the Philippines, one of the world’s most densely populated countries, the amount of forest lost is rapidly increasing based on the human needs. World Resources Institute (n.d, as cited in Philippine deforestation, 1997) found that “Now, 11 million people live in the forest uplands without title, and, therefore, Philippines have no incentive to maintain the lands”. In the chart below shows that the worst deforestation rate within 2000-2005 year mainly occurs in Vietnam, Cambodia and Sri Lanka (Butler, 2005). Therefore, agriculture is one of the biggest issues of deforestation.

As the human population increases, people need more places to live. Therefore, they move out from the city and into the rural areas, where trees are cut down to make houses and home furniture. For example, the population rate is high in the Philippines. Therefore, the demand for land area is high for housing and the government has no incentive to main the forest. Similar in my home country, Myanmar, Weatherbee says that "the population rate of Myanmar is increasing." ( International relations...,2005) . And the government has created more and more new usable land areas for citizen to live in which can be one of the causes of climate change in Southeast Asia. Moreover, the need for living is not only to have a place to stay but also for home furnishings such as furniture. However, as most of the Asian countries are moving toward industrial ages, wood is not only used in making furniture. Most wood exported out to foreign countries as a form of income for the country. Therefore, for developing housing and for economic purposes, most Southeast Asia countries are cutting down huge amounts of trees, which can lead to a rise in the rate of deforestation in Southeast Asia.

In conclusion, the biggest issues which can cause the deforestation are agriculture and human needs for accommodation and home furniture. Although these are the basic human needs for daily life, there are two ways to prevent deforestation by replanting the trees and controlling the amount of human population. Effects of human can cause deforestation and because of the deforestation, there can be a lot of natural disasters which can harm humans. Thus, deforestation is one of the important issues that humans need to consider.

Australia sets up fund to curb deforestation in Southeast Asia. (2007, March). International Herald Tribune. Retrieved March 10, 2008, from

Australia among world’s biggest greenhouse gas producers. (2003, September). FairfaxDigtal. Retrieved March 8, 2008, from

Butler .Rhett A.. (2005, November 17). World deforestation rates and forest cover statistics, 2000-2005. Retrieved March 10, 2008, from

World Resources Institute (WRI). (1997, November 1). Philippine deforestation. Retrieved March 9, 2008, from

Deforestation. (2007, March 14). Wikipedia. Retrieved March 9, 2008, from

Weatherbee, D.E. (2005). International relations in Southeast Asia; The struggle for autonomy. Lanham, Md : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Solution for the waste disposal problem facing in Myanmar (Timed Paragraph)

In a US survey of recycling program, saving the waste was made in 13 out of 14 cases (Collins, 2002). Why do we need to talk about this recycling topic? Recently, the world is starting to shake by natural disasters and when we track back the reason behind it, we find that it is indirectly caused by human being. In my country, Myanmar, the government needs to start to form or set rules and responsibilities for industries to dispose theirs product waste into reusable form or into the form which cannot harm human. Nowadays, Myanmar government does not care about recycling waste especially in industrial sectors. The waste products from the industries were pouring into the rivers of the country which caused the river to be polluted. People who depend on the rivers like farmers did not aware of the chemical in the water and they used the water from the river as their source of supply. Chemical pollution from the industry waste is not the only issue that causes the water to be polluted. Failure in disposal of plastic bags is another main cause of the water pollution. Because of the rivers in Myanmar are polluted, it affects a lot in agriculture fields and cause human health full of diseases. Therefore, by setting a set of rules and responsibilities for industries will help to prevent and reduce the critical conditions for citizens’ health and the economy rate decreasing.

Collins, J. (2002, Oct 3rd). Radical plans for waste could herald a big clean-up. The Guardian Weekly. p.25.

Kindly edit by BB

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Saving Nature !!!

I thought that the author for this article is more agree on environmental necessities .He did mentioned in the one of the paragraphs , environmental luxuries are nice to have if costless. And later in the writing, he talked about the important distinction between environmental goods that are fundamental and merely aesthetic. “Nature is our ward. It is not our master”. According to that statement he agrees to take the risks disrupting the calving grounds of Arctic caribou. And I agree with his thoughts. I agree variety of nature is good but compare to human needs, we should be considering of scarified of nature a little bit, although human fate and nature are tie together. However, atmospheric ozone which is caused by the human is really a threatening to man’s life. From my personal point of view, what the author discuss about in this article enlighten me which kind of person we are and it really highlighted a few nature things which we can save of.

kindly edit by Syeda

Monday, March 3, 2008

Deforestation has been pinpointed as a serious environment problem in Southeast Asia.(Cause and Effect)

Deforestation has been pinpointed as a serious environment problem in Southeast Asia .What are the causes/circumstances that give rise to this problem? (Cause-Effect)

The human causes of deforestation in Southeast Asia have gradually increased due to the human needs for agriculture as well as for the fuel. As the south East Asia is moving into industrial age, Asian population is increasing at the same time. Therefore, more and more trees are cut down to increase the size of the usable land for human food supply .Since 1960, Thailand has lost an annual average of around 330 000 hector of natural forest because more land are need to convert into paddy fields for the rice and wheat ( “Statistics South East Asia”,n.d.). Similar to Thailand, in the Cambodia the amount of forest lost is rapidly increasing based on the human needs. Many developing nations in Southeast Asia still depend on wood as a primary source of fuel and energy. This is because burning of wood is much less harmful compare to burning of fossil fuel and plastic. The review of forest covers in the Southeast Asian countries are as follow

Statistics South East Asia. ( n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2008 ,from