Monday, March 3, 2008

Deforestation has been pinpointed as a serious environment problem in Southeast Asia.(Cause and Effect)

Deforestation has been pinpointed as a serious environment problem in Southeast Asia .What are the causes/circumstances that give rise to this problem? (Cause-Effect)

The human causes of deforestation in Southeast Asia have gradually increased due to the human needs for agriculture as well as for the fuel. As the south East Asia is moving into industrial age, Asian population is increasing at the same time. Therefore, more and more trees are cut down to increase the size of the usable land for human food supply .Since 1960, Thailand has lost an annual average of around 330 000 hector of natural forest because more land are need to convert into paddy fields for the rice and wheat ( “Statistics South East Asia”,n.d.). Similar to Thailand, in the Cambodia the amount of forest lost is rapidly increasing based on the human needs. Many developing nations in Southeast Asia still depend on wood as a primary source of fuel and energy. This is because burning of wood is much less harmful compare to burning of fossil fuel and plastic. The review of forest covers in the Southeast Asian countries are as follow

Statistics South East Asia. ( n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2008 ,from


Brad Blackstone said...

You'll be able to revise this when I hand back the paragraph with my comments. Thanks for your hard wrok!

Pascal Gekko said...

Deforestation has become major environment problem in many countries. This is mainly caused by human needs for lands. As population grows, more lands are needed for people to settle. Reforestation must be started quickly and effectively since people can't grow a tree in one night while cutting a tree only needs less than 1 hour.

Syeda said...

Hi...your statistics font I think should be changed...they are not properly seen...seems vague!

Su Mon said...

if u cannot see properly , please click on the picture and it'll lead you to fullscreen.

Anyway thanks for the comment.

KHIEM said...

I was impressed by your table of Statistics. What a nasty surprise to know about the area of natural forest my country, Vietnam has lost.