Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Describe a serious environmental problem that exists in Myanmar today and explain how there could be an “engineering solution“ to it.(Problem&Solving)

The production of plastic in Myanmar is rapidly increasing and it is causing a lot of environmental problems. People are able to get hold on the plastic bags so easily and they are discard in the similar ways. Nowadays, current dumping systems are not suitable to dispose plastic bags because plastic bag are in-degradable and remain spoiling the environment especially for those coloured plastic bags. Fumes that produced from the burning plastic bags are harmful to human beings especially to those who suffer from respiratory problems. Although using plastic bags is causing serious environmental problems, a few solutions have been introduced by the government to prevent the problem from getting worse. One of the solutions introduce is to reduce the production of coloured plastic bags because those plastic bags are the hardest to degradable as well as recycled. Another solution is to design a filter that will be able to break-down harmful fumes into oxygen and carbon-dioxide. This can be implemented in all the industrial areas to prevent the fume from harming living beings.

Kindly edited by Shi Yi


Brad Blackstone said...

This is a decent paragraph with a very clear topic sentence. I like the way that you have developed this topic from the earlier writing on the same one.

There are still a few problems here with language use, such as this verb phrase: "are been discard"

Do you see the problem?

Brad Blackstone said...

What's wrong with this clause?

"One of the solutions is introduce is to reduce the production of co loured plastic bags...."

And check the lack of parallelism in this sentence: "This can be implemented in all the industrial areas and prevent the fume from harming living beings."

Thanks for your effort!

Su Mon said...

Thanks mr.blackstone.

I correct the error ...
If still have error please let me know .

Thank for the comments.

脏脏/ellenpei said...

agree with you.

white pollution is very serious in China