Saturday, February 9, 2008

Which pattern of Love are you in ?

Let’s get to the topic about Love. According to the Erikson's theory, you can say that I am in young adulthood stage now (approximately between the age of 20 and 30). Before the twentieth century, there were only three stages of life, such as child, adult and old adult .Contemporary society has a variety of markers, such as early childhood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood. As life expectancy began to lengthen, the term "young adulthood" happened to enter into the dictionary. Anyway, Erikson states that it's time for us to achieve the crisis of intimacy Vs isolation in order to move on to the middle adulthood. The virtue is "LOVE”. We are at risk of achieving young adulthood stage which is the stage of committing into intimate relationship .Here is where the question come .Why do we need to commit into the relationship? Most people like love stories, including their own. Love, to some people is addiction. For others it's a fantasy, in which one person expects to be saved by a knight in shining armor. Still others think of love as a game or a war with a winner and loser. Love can be a horror story or a mystery, isn't it? Anyway those are just an example, we cannot really define love. Let back to the point about how to commit into the relationship. According to the Psychosocial researchers, Sternberg formed this theory called”TRIANGULAR SUB THEORY OF LOVE", which is the balancing the three elements of intimacy, passion and commitment.

Here is a picture which I just post above. So you can make sure which pattern of love you are in and I hope all my friends have balanced these three elements and formed a good relationship with your loved one if you have one.

Refer from

2008 Edition , Exploring lifespan development / Laura E. Berk.

Edit by Shi Yi


Brad Blackstone said...

This is a very serious topic that every adult needs to consider deeply. Thanks for introducing it in your blog.

Certainly balancing the three characteristics given in the theory, passion, commitment and intimacy, seems to be vital when I consider my own experiences with love. But what happens when the flames of passion die? I just read an interesting article in the New York Times about that, which mentions that couples who have been together a long time need to keep the flames alive by discovering new interests, places, foods, etc., together. Fascinating, isn't it?

By the way, this sentence seems strange: "There is a question that why do we need to commit into the relationship?" Do you know how to correct it?

Su Mon said...

Yes , i agree with you .

By the way , i try to correct the sentence already .