Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Saving Nature !!!

I thought that the author for this article is more agree on environmental necessities .He did mentioned in the one of the paragraphs , environmental luxuries are nice to have if costless. And later in the writing, he talked about the important distinction between environmental goods that are fundamental and merely aesthetic. “Nature is our ward. It is not our master”. According to that statement he agrees to take the risks disrupting the calving grounds of Arctic caribou. And I agree with his thoughts. I agree variety of nature is good but compare to human needs, we should be considering of scarified of nature a little bit, although human fate and nature are tie together. However, atmospheric ozone which is caused by the human is really a threatening to man’s life. From my personal point of view, what the author discuss about in this article enlighten me which kind of person we are and it really highlighted a few nature things which we can save of.

kindly edit by Syeda


Syeda said...

Hai I guess you did not notice the in the 1st line "is more agree" is wrong and 2nd line "mentionED"..."I agree THAT THE(this or may add sumthing else) variety of nature"...actually you should rewrite the whole sentence...the following line too...then "author discussES","enlightenS me (what!)"."highlightS" and "save."

Ragnarok said...

Erm your post seems kinda squished by your picture setting.

Brad Blackstone said...

Thanks for this interesting post. Yes, the photo setting does squish the text. Can you fix that?

KHIEM said...

I also agreed with the author. Human needs are always the most important. By the may, i like the polar bear's picture^^

Pascal Gekko said...

I agree that human is more important, but we cannot sacrifice nature continuously. What will we do if there's no more to be sacrificed from nature as we have already totally destroyed it?

Kwon Hyuk Jin said...

Good idea. Human cannot survive without environment, therefore we surely cannot exploit our nature as we wish. That's why we have this word - "moderation", I think.

kazima said...

I love panda very much. It is so cute and also a symble of China. Saving nature is everyone's duty.

kazima said...

I love panda very much. It is so cute and also a symble of China. Saving nature is everyone's duty.