Saturday, March 22, 2008

Solution for the waste disposal problem facing in Myanmar (Timed Paragraph)

In a US survey of recycling program, saving the waste was made in 13 out of 14 cases (Collins, 2002). Why do we need to talk about this recycling topic? Recently, the world is starting to shake by natural disasters and when we track back the reason behind it, we find that it is indirectly caused by human being. In my country, Myanmar, the government needs to start to form or set rules and responsibilities for industries to dispose theirs product waste into reusable form or into the form which cannot harm human. Nowadays, Myanmar government does not care about recycling waste especially in industrial sectors. The waste products from the industries were pouring into the rivers of the country which caused the river to be polluted. People who depend on the rivers like farmers did not aware of the chemical in the water and they used the water from the river as their source of supply. Chemical pollution from the industry waste is not the only issue that causes the water to be polluted. Failure in disposal of plastic bags is another main cause of the water pollution. Because of the rivers in Myanmar are polluted, it affects a lot in agriculture fields and cause human health full of diseases. Therefore, by setting a set of rules and responsibilities for industries will help to prevent and reduce the critical conditions for citizens’ health and the economy rate decreasing.

Collins, J. (2002, Oct 3rd). Radical plans for waste could herald a big clean-up. The Guardian Weekly. p.25.

Kindly edit by BB


Brad Blackstone said...

Thank you, Su Mon, for this very intelligent post!

William Tan said...

"the government needs to start to form or set rules and responsibilities for industries to dispose (theirs) product waste...."

It is better to use 'their'?

Anyways it's very interesting INDEED...

BTW Happy Birthday....
(dtd march 24 , 2008)

Su Mon said...

Thank you for your birthday wish .

Sorry for late reply anyway

Syeda said...

At least plastic bags can be easily banned by has been done in my Country...

KHIEM said...

The same problem in Vietnam and now we Vietnamese have tried to correct this mistake.

Pascal Gekko said...

Bad waste disposal system will really affect a country's environment. Pollution to the river will not only destroy one country's environment, but also all countries' which the river also flow through. I think this is really harmful to the nature.

Kwon Hyuk Jin said...

Very interesting post. Why the government of Myanmar is not taking note of importance of recycling? For the plastic bags... Banning them might be a little harsh... In Korea, supermarkets sell plastic bags at 50 won a piece and gives full refund when you return them. They prepare used cardboard boxes to be used instead of plastic bags, and those boxes are free! And as we know, papers are bio-degradable. Why don't they try to use some policy like this?

kazima said...

recycling is alway a problem in China also. Maybe I think most people do not have the sense to protect and recycle. Education always plays an important role when dealing with all kinds of problems, this time also.

attaboy said...

Too difficult to decide who has the priority to be done firrst because We wanna easy life as well as good environment. Plastic bags ease our life but damage the environment. So what is right to do,giving up easy life or the environment? lol....